15 January 2011

And have you seen THIS Mumbai?

I have been living in Mumbai for 10 years now. Much though I hate this city for the civic mess and horrible infrastructure (roads primarily), as a photographer this city amazes me. A few days back I shared with you all the hidden side of this city, the green verdant streets of arrey road, the shimmering waters of powai lake and the dense forests of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Have you seen this Mumbai). And you thought this was it, the much maligned city has a brighter side and is worth a visit.
This city is tougher, the streets are where the life really is. A life very unreal from my perspective, and a life you or i dont live. Here are few shots from streets of my Mumbai - a Mumbai which i would hide from you if i could.
pushing their lives by hand
Making living by Pushing Cart

Pushing a handcart is like pushing the wheels of life and this doesn't escape my attention when i walk on near empty streets in early mornings. It is these men, who are either getting ready for a day of hard work or have already started making their deliveries.

Mornings begin this way

Dropping off loads
As a photographer, I have become more sensitive, sensitive to this inequitable growth, of men and women and kids whose tomorrow is about getting up to work for two meals a day.  With sorrow I frame these images, often lowering down my camera because I fear to look into those eyes - who could turn and ask me why I am making their misery my hobby! But there is a certain dignity with which they carry on, I wonder if they have any cribs and complains about this city. For sure its not about the civic mess and poor road infrastructure.

Now is this the Mumbai you have seen? Do share your thoughts and for more photographs of this city visit Mumbai Cutting - a photoblog on Mumbai


Akila said...

Mayank, These are truly beautiful photographs. I haven't seen this in Mumbai but I have in Chennai. The light in the third one and the composition is really wonderful.

Purba said...

Early morning captures, the city waking up to another day of sheer madness.

Really loving this series - Have you seen this Mumbai.

zephyr said...

Your words are as sensitive as the photographs. Like you, I feel guilty to look into the eyes of these men and women who have to work no matter what if they have to eat. Their lives are one of stoicism and endurance. will come back for more.

Mayank said...

@akila - awesome to see you visit my blog. yours an inspiration - i dream to be able to travel like you one day.

@purba - yeah its not that i scripted it this way. lets see what more i can come up with.

@zephyr - pls do come back. from me this post is about the emotions more than the composition. i feel connected with these shots.

zephyr said...

You don't have an email or reader subscription. I am not savvy at these things not am I on social networks. So help me subscribe to your blog.

Mayank said...

@magiceye - thanks. Do you go out for photowalks. would love to join sometime
@zephyr - you can subscribe via the feedburner chicklet icon on right side. but yes, i have added an email subscription form as well. i hope it works, not very familiar with html stuff myself.

Arun said...

Stark snaps. Wish you'd put up more. The push carts remind me of a wonderful neo-realistic film called 'Man Push Cart' by Ramin Bahrani. Watch and Be prepared to be moved without manipulation.

Mayank said...

@Arun- i sure would. Keep dropping in whenever you have time or hope you have subscribed to get updates on new posts.
Thanks for the suggestion - I would soon catch up.

Arun said...

Yep.. following you using Networked Blogs. Will be back surely..

Poonam Parihar said...

its very touching to see this side ! as you know you cant really do much but to breath it in.. or if you do , i dont know if that is enough.. its a continuous process. as a photographer I can spread awareness, and make em feel important and exquisite and not really making them feel like miserable. I still remember that scene from one of the movie, where that chinese/japanese walks on the streets and say i wanna shoot poor people. hate that mentality.

thanks for the lovely post.. and keep up the good work.