03 July 2011

Photoburst - Travel Photo Contest

Photoburst is a travel photo contest website. Everyday they publish the best travel photograph submitted by photographers all over the world. Its a great place to find inspiration and also to see wonderful images from all over. The site is managed by 3 interesting guys, and from it looks like they are close friends and live in Covilha, Portugal. 

I am honored, one of my photographs; "Together in Grief - Portrait of Brothers" won photo of the day contest on 16-June-11. Click here to visit the photograph on photoburst website. A screenshot is attached below for quick look. This went to win Photo of the Week in week 3 before loosing out to an awesome photograph by Jus Medic.
Thanks all you folks for feedback, and appreciation. While contests like this are good tests, its the appreciation from family, friends, and blog readers that matters far more.


joshi daniel said...

great! congratulations!

mayankpandey said...

Thanks Daniel.

Purbaray said...

A well deserved win...congrats :)

Juš Medič said...

You have some great photos! Thanks for linking me ;)

mayankpandey said...

You are most welcome Jus. I draw inspiration from photographers like you.

zephyr said...

Congrats. Way to go Mayank! I had loved this particular photograph of yours even when you had first posted it. It is but a matter of time that it got appreciated on a prestigious platform.

mayankpandey said...

Thank you very much Zephyr. I liked it always but only when you get external
views, its more convincing. Its easy to get trapped into liking my own work
coz you visualize what you saw in your photograph rather than what the
photograph actually is. Thank you much.

Kaushal Parikh said...

Hi Mayank
Your work is really very impressive!  Glad to see you are interested in stret photography.  Maybe we can explore the streets together sometime:-) Do check out my blog at www.kaushalpar.wordpress.com.  "Street photography on film..." is some of my street work in Mumbai.

mayankpandey said...

Kaushal, visited your blog. Very impressed. Lets connect. This sunday?

Andrew Graeme Gould said...

A wonderful shot. Congratulations!